Thursday, November 4, 2010

Loving 50

Hi.....I'm Barb and I'm 51 years old.   I'll be 52 years old December 12, 1958.  Wow! 1958 sounds like the 1800s.  Anyway, I have 2 beautiful daughters Samantha and Mary.  I have 4 soon to be 5 grandchildren.  I guess I'm starting this blog just to put my thoughts out there and also to reach out to women who are 50 and older (although younger one can read this too  :)  ).

I always thought 50 was soooooo old!  I remember thinking when I was in my teens that 30 was old, then when I was in my 20's that 40 was old, when I was in my 30's that 50 WAS OLD!.  Now I'm at 50 and I'm not so old.  Wow! 50 what a great age.  Yes, you heard me right, a great age.  We aren't old at all.  We are young, sexy, vibrant, and full of life! maybe we have a few crows feet, or maybe we are a bit chunky around the middle, couple of gray hairs here and there (what I'm saying, if I didn't dye my hair I would be salt and pepper), a few more laugh lines, but all and all we, in our 50's are AWESOME!

I didn't think this way until recently.  When I turned 50 I was so depressed.  I had myself in a nursing home, or better yet, one foot on a banana peel and the other in a grave.  Geeeez!  I think at one point I had a obituary written in my head.  Something came over me and I realized I'M ALIVE!!! Since then I'm have felt so free and love being me.  You know, there is truth in the saying, "with age come wisdom".  Isn't that the truth!  Man, if I knew now what I know today things would be different.  Or would they?  Every experience I have gone through in my 50 plus years has made me a better person.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling for now.  I'll be blogging here and there. This was just a short intro and kind of testing the waters on blogging.

I do want to mention that this blog is not to offend anyone.  I am a liberal person and can be outspoken. :)

So to all you 50ers out there!  Love yourself!  Embrace Life!  It's worth it!